Epidemiological analysis with R

Riga Stradins University Workshop, July 2020

  • Lecturer: Sergio Uribe, Assoc Prof, PhD
  • Riga Stradins University, July 2020

Required packages


theme_set(sjPlot::theme_sjplot2(base_size = 10))
theme_update(legend.position = "top")
# options('huxtable.knit_print_df' = FALSE)
options('huxtable.knit_print_df_theme' = theme_article)
options('huxtable.autoformat_number_format' = list(numeric = "%5.2f"))
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = NA)

Epidemiological Descriptive Analysis

Onchocerciasis in Sierra Leone.

Oncho %>% head()

A two-by-two contingency table:

Oncho %>%
  mutate(mf = relevel(mf, ref = "Infected")) %>%
  copy_labels(Oncho) %>%
  cross_tab(mf ~ area) 
Total N (%)822 (63.1)480 (36.9)1302
ResidenceSavannah281 (34.2)267 (55.6)548 (42.1)
Rainforest541 (65.8)213 (44.4)754 (57.9)

Table with all descriptive statistics except id and mfload:

Oncho %>%
  # dplyr:select(-c(id, mfload)) %>%
  dplyr::select(-id) %>%
  dplyr::select(-mfload) %>%  # just for example
  mutate(mf = relevel(mf, ref = "Infected")) %>%
  copy_labels(Oncho) %>%
  cross_tab(mf ~ area + .) 
Total N (%)822 (63.1)480 (36.9)1302
ResidenceSavannah281 (34.2)267 (55.6)548 (42.1)
Rainforest541 (65.8)213 (44.4)754 (57.9)
Age group (years)5-946 (5.6)156 (32.5)202 (15.5)
10-1999 (12.0)119 (24.8)218 (16.7)
20-39299 (36.4)125 (26.0)424 (32.6)
40+378 (46.0)80 (16.7)458 (35.2)
SexMale426 (51.8)190 (39.6)616 (47.3)
Female396 (48.2)290 (60.4)686 (52.7)
Number of lesionsNo640 (77.9)461 (96.0)1101 (84.6)
Yes182 (22.1)19 (4.0)201 (15.4)

Data set about blood counts of T cells from patients in remission from Hodgkin’s disease or in remission from disseminated malignancies. We generate the new variable Ratio and add labels to the variables.

Hodgkin <- Hodgkin %>%
  mutate(Ratio = CD4/CD8) %>%
    Ratio = "CD4+ / CD8+ T-cells ratio"

Hodgkin %>% head()
396836Hodgkin 0.47
568978Hodgkin 0.58
12121678Hodgkin 0.72
171212Hodgkin 0.81
554670Hodgkin 0.83
11041335Hodgkin 0.83

Descriptive statistics for CD4+ T cells:

Hodgkin %>%
  estat(~ CD4)

CD4+ T-cells40.00116.002415.00672.62528.50470.49 0.70
For stratification, estat recognises the following two syntaxes:

  • outcome ~ exposure
  • ~ outcome | exposure

where, outcome is continuous and exposure is a categorical (factor) variable.

Hodgkin %>%
  estat(~ Ratio|Group)
CD4+ / CD8+ T-cells ratioNon-Hodgkin20.00 1.10 3.49 2.12 2.15 0.73 0.34
Hodgkin20.00 0.47 3.82 1.50 1.19 0.91 0.61

descriptive statistics for all variables in the data set:

Hodgkin %>%
  mutate(Group = relevel(Group, ref = "Hodgkin")) %>%
  copy_labels(Hodgkin) %>%
  cross_tab(Group ~ CD4 + .)
Total N (%)20 (50.0)20 (50.0)40
CD4+ T-cellsMean (SD)823.2 (566.4)522.0 (293.0)672.6 (470.5)
CD8+ T-cellsMean (SD)613.9 (397.9)260.0 (154.7)436.9 (347.7)
CD4+ / CD8+ T-cells ratioMean (SD)1.5 (0.9)2.1 (0.7)1.8 (0.9)
  # theme_article() %>%
  # add_footnote("Values are medians with interquartile range.")

Inferential statistics

var.test(Ratio ~ Group, data = Hodgkin)

    F test to compare two variances

data:  Ratio by Group
F = 0.6294, num df = 19, denom df = 19, p-value = 0.3214
alternative hypothesis: true ratio of variances is not equal to 1
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.2491238 1.5901459
sample estimates:
ratio of variances 

QQ-plots against the standard Normal distribution.

Hodgkin %>%
  qq_plot(~ Ratio|Group) %>%

non-parametric test to compare the groups:

wilcox.test(Ratio ~ Group, data = Hodgkin)

    Wilcoxon rank sum test

data:  Ratio by Group
W = 298, p-value = 0.007331
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0

For relatively small samples (for example, less than 30 observations per group) is a standard practice to show the actual data in dot plots with error bars. The pubh package offers two options to show graphically differences in continuous outcomes among groups:

For small samples: strip_error For medium to large samples: bar_error

Hodgkin %>%
  strip_error(Ratio ~ Group) %>%

In the previous code, axis_labs applies labels from labelled data to the axis.

The error bars represent 95% confidence intervals around mean values.

Is relatively easy to add a line on top, to show that the two groups are significantly different. The function gf_star needs the reference point on how to draw an horizontal line to display statistical difference or to annotate a plot; in summary, gf_star:

Hodgkin %>%
  strip_error(Ratio ~ Group) %>%
  axis_labs() %>%
  gf_star(x1 = 1, y1 = 4, x2 = 2, y2 = 4.05, y3 = 4.1, "**")

For larger samples we could use bar charts with error bars. For example:

data(birthwt, package = "MASS")
birthwt <- birthwt %>%
    smoke = factor(smoke, labels = c("Non-smoker", "Smoker")),
    Race = factor(race > 1, labels = c("White", "Non-white")),
    race = factor(race, labels = c("White", "Afican American", "Other"))
    ) %>%
    bwt = 'Birth weight (g)',
    smoke = 'Smoking status',
    race = 'Race',
birthwt %>%
  bar_error(bwt ~ smoke) %>%
No summary function supplied, defaulting to `mean_se()`

Quick normality check:

birthwt %>%
  qq_plot(~ bwt|smoke) %>%

The (unadjusted) t-test:

t.test(bwt ~ smoke, data = birthwt)

    Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  bwt by smoke
t = 2.7299, df = 170.1, p-value = 0.007003
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
  78.57486 488.97860
sample estimates:
mean in group Non-smoker     mean in group Smoker 
                3055.696                 2771.919 

Final plot with annotation to highlight statistical difference (unadjusted):

birthwt %>%
  bar_error(bwt ~ smoke) %>%
  axis_labs() %>%
  gf_star(x1 = 1, x2 = 2, y1 = 3400, y2 = 3500, y3 = 3550, "**")
No summary function supplied, defaulting to `mean_se()`

strip_error and bar_error can generate plots stratified by a third variable, for example:

birthwt %>%
  bar_error(bwt ~ smoke, fill = ~ Race) %>%
  gf_refine(ggsci::scale_fill_jama()) %>%
No summary function supplied, defaulting to `mean_se()`

birthwt %>%
  bar_error(bwt ~ smoke|Race) %>%
No summary function supplied, defaulting to `mean_se()`
No summary function supplied, defaulting to `mean_se()`

analysis of the linear model of smoking on birth weight, adjusting by race (and not by other potential confounders)

birthwt %>%
  strip_error(bwt ~ smoke, pch = ~ Race, col = ~ Race) %>%
  gf_refine(ggsci::scale_color_jama()) %>%

analysis of the linear model of smoking on birth weight, adjusting by race (and not by other potential confounders)

model_bwt <- lm(bwt ~ smoke + race, data = birthwt)

model_bwt %>%
  glm_coef(labels = model_labels(model_bwt))
Constant3334.95 (3036.11, 3633.78)< 0.001
Smoking status: Smoker-428.73 (-667.02, -190.44)< 0.001
Race: Afican American-450.36 (-750.31, -150.4)0.003
Race: Other-452.88 (-775.17, -130.58)0.006

Similar results can be obtained with the function tab_model from the sjPlot package.

sjPlot::tab_model(model_bwt,  collapse.ci = TRUE)
  Birth weight(g)
Predictors Estimates p
(Intercept) 3334.95
(3153.89 – 3516.01)
Smoking status: Smoker -428.73
(-643.86 – -213.60)
Race: Afican American -450.36
(-752.45 – -148.27)
Race: Other -452.88
(-682.67 – -223.08)
Observations 189
R2 / R2 adjusted 0.123 / 0.109
pubh::multiple(model_bwt, ~ race)$df
White - Afican American450.36153.12 2.940.0189.95810.77
White - Other452.88116.48 3.89< 0.001178.72727.04
Afican American - Other 2.52160.59 0.021-375.48380.52

Some advantages of glm_coef over tab_model are:

  • Script documents can be knitted to Word and LaTEX (+ (besides HTML).
  • Uses robust standard errors by default. The option to not use robust standard errors is part of the arguments.
  • Recognises some type of models that tab_model does not recognise.

Some advantages of tab_model over glm_coef are:

  • Recognises labels from variables and use those labels to display the table.
  • Includes some statistics about the model.
  • It can display more than one model on the same output.
  • Tables are more aesthetically appealing.

In the previous table of coefficients confidence intervals and p-values for race had not been adjusted for multiple comparisons. We use functions from the emmeans package to make the corrections.

multiple(model_bwt, ~ race)$fig_ci %>%
  gf_labs(x = "Difference in birth weights (g)")

multiple(model_bwt, ~ race)$fig_pval %>%
  gf_labs(y = " ")

2.00IbuprofenAfrican AmericanAlive14.00   720.0038.6737.56
3.00PlaceboAfrican AmericanDead33.00551.1233.0038.33   
4.00IbuprofenWhiteAlive 3.001376.14720.0038.3336.44
5.00PlaceboWhiteAlive 5.00   720.0038.5637.56
Bernard %>%
    fate = relevel(fate, ref = "Dead"),
    treat = relevel(treat, ref = "Ibuprofen")
  ) %>%
  copy_labels(Bernard) %>%
  pubh::cross_tab(fate ~ treat) 
Mortality statuslevelsDeadAliveTotal
Total N (%)176 (38.7)279 (61.3)455
TreatmentIbuprofen84 (47.7)140 (50.2)224 (49.2)
Placebo92 (52.3)139 (49.8)231 (50.8)
dat <- matrix(c(84, 140 , 92, 139), 
              nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
             Outcome +    Outcome -      Total        Inc risk *        Odds
Exposed +           84          140        224              37.5       0.600
Exposed -           92          139        231              39.8       0.662
Total              176          279        455              38.7       0.631

Point estimates and 95% CIs:
Inc risk ratio                               0.94 (0.75, 1.19)
Odds ratio                                   0.91 (0.62, 1.32)
Attrib risk *                                -2.33 (-11.27, 6.62)
Attrib risk in population *                  -1.15 (-8.88, 6.59)
Attrib fraction in exposed (%)               -6.20 (-33.90, 15.76)
Attrib fraction in population (%)            -2.96 (-15.01, 7.82)
 Test that OR = 1: chi2(1) = 0.260 Pr>chi2 = 0.61
 Wald confidence limits
 CI: confidence interval
 * Outcomes per 100 population units 
Bernard %>%
  pubh::contingency(fate ~ treat)
Predictor   Dead Alive
  Ibuprofen   84   140
  Placebo     92   139

             Outcome +    Outcome -      Total        Inc risk *        Odds
Exposed +           84          140        224              37.5       0.600
Exposed -           92          139        231              39.8       0.662
Total              176          279        455              38.7       0.631

Point estimates and 95% CIs:
Inc risk ratio                               0.94 (0.75, 1.19)
Odds ratio                                   0.91 (0.62, 1.32)
Attrib risk *                                -2.33 (-11.27, 6.62)
Attrib risk in population *                  -1.15 (-8.88, 6.59)
Attrib fraction in exposed (%)               -6.20 (-33.90, 15.76)
Attrib fraction in population (%)            -2.96 (-15.01, 7.82)
 Test that OR = 1: chi2(1) = 0.260 Pr>chi2 = 0.61
 Wald confidence limits
 CI: confidence interval
 * Outcomes per 100 population units 

    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  dat
X-squared = 0.17076, df = 1, p-value = 0.6794
data(oswego, package = "epitools")

oswego <- oswego %>%
    ill = factor(ill, labels = c("No", "Yes")),
    sex = factor(sex, labels = c("Female", "Male")),
    chocolate.ice.cream = factor(chocolate.ice.cream, labels = c("No", "Yes"))
  ) %>%
    ill = "Developed illness",
    sex = "Sex",
    chocolate.ice.cream = "Consumed chocolate ice cream"
oswego %>%
    ill = relevel(ill, ref = "Yes"),
    chocolate.ice.cream = relevel(chocolate.ice.cream, ref = "Yes")
  ) %>%
  copy_labels(oswego) %>%
  pubh::cross_tab(ill ~ sex + chocolate.ice.cream) 
Developed illnesslevelsYesNoTotal
Total N (%)46 (61.3)29 (38.7)75
SexFemale30 (65.2)14 (48.3)44 (58.7)
Male16 (34.8)15 (51.7)31 (41.3)
Consumed chocolate ice creamYes25 (55.6)22 (75.9)47 (63.5)
No20 (44.4)7 (24.1)27 (36.5)
oswego %>%
  pubh::mhor(ill ~ sex/chocolate.ice.cream)

                                   OR Lower.CI Upper.CI Pr(>|z|)
sexFemale:chocolate.ice.creamYes 0.47     0.11     2.06    0.318
sexMale:chocolate.ice.creamYes   0.24     0.05     1.13    0.072

                          Common OR Lower CI Upper CI Pr(>|z|)
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel:       0.35     0.12     1.01    0.085

Test for effect modification (interaction): p =  0.5434 

pubh::odds_trend(mf ~ agegrp, data = Oncho, angle = 0, hjust = 0.5)$fig

# Diagnostic test

Freq <- c(1739, 8, 51, 22)
BCG <- gl(2, 1, 4, labels=c("Negative", "Positive"))
Xray <- gl(2, 2, labels=c("Negative", "Positive"))
tb <- data.frame(Freq, BCG, Xray)
tb <- expand_df(tb)

pubh::diag_test(BCG ~ Xray, data = tb)
          Outcome +    Outcome -      Total
Test +           22           51         73
Test -            8         1739       1747
Total            30         1790       1820

Point estimates and 95 % CIs:
Apparent prevalence                    0.04 (0.03, 0.05)
True prevalence                        0.02 (0.01, 0.02)
Sensitivity                            0.73 (0.54, 0.88)
Specificity                            0.97 (0.96, 0.98)
Positive predictive value              0.30 (0.20, 0.42)
Negative predictive value              1.00 (0.99, 1.00)
Positive likelihood ratio              25.74 (18.21, 36.38)
Negative likelihood ratio              0.27 (0.15, 0.50)
pubh::diag_test2(22, 51, 8, 1739)

          Outcome +    Outcome -      Total
Test +           22           51         73
Test -            8         1739       1747
Total            30         1790       1820

Point estimates and 95 % CIs:
Apparent prevalence                    0.04 (0.03, 0.05)
True prevalence                        0.02 (0.01, 0.02)
Sensitivity                            0.73 (0.54, 0.88)
Specificity                            0.97 (0.96, 0.98)
Positive predictive value              0.30 (0.20, 0.42)
Negative predictive value              1.00 (0.99, 1.00)
Positive likelihood ratio              25.74 (18.21, 36.38)
Negative likelihood ratio              0.27 (0.15, 0.50)
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